"best"(으)로 총 105건 검색되었습니다.
- 자리 바뀐 섬과학동아 l1988년 07호
- Richardson and Roger Goldsmith, have tried to reconstruct the voyage, using what remains of the log and also using the best knowledge we have on winds and currents. Knowing the speed of the shi ...
- 성단(星団)이라는 측정자과학동아 l1988년 05호
- This makes us uncertain of other key features of the universe and of what its ultimate destiny may be. The best way of determining a galaxy's distance from Earth is to detect a type of star in ...
- 가장 생명력이 강한 것과학동아 l1988년 03호
- of life, including mammoths and mastodons, and are endangering many others today, it would appear that despite our best efforts, we have never managed to wipe out a single insect species. Roach ...
- 가장 중요한 화석과학동아 l1987년 11호
- It is called " archeopteryx(ahr-kee-OP-tuh-riiks), from Greek words meaninng "ancient wing."The archeopteryx is the best-known example of a fossil of a life-form that seems to fall exactly bet ...
- 에너지가 있는 곳으로과학동아 l1987년 09호
- Soviets have picked up the idea. They have a new rocket, "Energia," which is at least four times as powerful as the best American efforts, and they hope to use it to lift into space the quantit ...