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- 지하생활과학동아 l198907
- than in the open.By the way, once again I am not a totally dispassionate observer; I happen to like enclosed spaces. Back in 1953, I wrote a novel titled "The Caves of Steel" in which I describ ...
- 귀소하는 거북과학동아 l198907
- another two months to Brazil to feed.The little turtles that hatch out on Ascension Island, and survive, also swim back to Brazil, only to return at the end of the year. Actually, it is common ...
- 대기권 밖의 망원경과학동아 l198904
- and clouds during the night. Even on a clear night, temperature changes in the air cause light rays to bend slightly back and forth, causing the stars to twinkle, and blurring what we see. None ...
- 최초의 언어과학동아 l198903
- developed? And if one did, might that constructed language not be something like Latin?If you want to go even farther back, there are similarities between Latin and Greek. The ancient Romans re ...
- 인류최초의 발견─불의 사용과학동아 l198903
- layers. Once Fire came to be used, in other words, it continued to be used. It was too useful to be allowed to sink back into oblivion.Dwelling in those ancient caves were older specimens of Ho ...
- 국산로봇개발 10년과학동아 l198903
- Manual Manipulator) △고정시퀀스(Sequeuce) 로봇 △가변시퀀스로봇 △플레이백(Play Back)로봇 △수치제어(NC)로봇 △지능로봇으로 나눠진다.이 순서는 그대로 로봇의 발달과정을 나타내고 있는데 후자로 올수록 기능이 고도화된 것이다.가장 단순한 형태인 메뉴얼 매니퓰레이터는 사람의 직접적 조작에 의해 ... ...
- 물이 많아지고 더워진다과학동아 l198902
- s average temperature (evened out for changes of day and night, winter and summer) was about 58 degrees Fahrenheit back in 1880. It is about 59.5 degrees F now. That's a rise of 1.5 degrees and ...
- 우주여행의 방향은?과학동아 l198901
- a vast canyon that may betoken a once-active crust.Yet the task of sending human beings to Mars and bringing them back alive is so enormous and so barely within the realm of possibility that n ...
- 스트레스 해결의 손자병법 잘만 알면 극복쉬워과학동아 l198811
- 이완요법 즉 복식호흡, 명상법, 자율이완법, 점진적 근(筋) 이완법, 바이오 피드백(bio-feed-back)등을 익히게 한다.세째 평소 생활태도와 수면, 운동에 관한 교육을 시킨다.이 세가지 방법이 스트레스를 대항하는 주요 치료전략이라 할 수 있다. 이방법들은 이미 구미 선진국에서는 널리 보급되고 있는 ... ...
- 동요하는 지구과학동아 l198810
- time, very small fourth wobble is produced by the change in massdistribution when winds cause the atmosphere to slosh back and forth. Other factors might be storms causing the back-and-f ...
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