"according"(으)로 총 37건 검색되었습니다.
- 보이지 않았던 별과학동아 l199009
- solstice. The rock arrangements may have served as a Stone Age observatory capable of predicting lunar eclipses, according to some theories.Similarly, places were found in the American continen ...
- 우주의 형성과학동아 l199006
- to allow the particles to move as though they were each being pulled by the gravitational effect of all the others, according to the known rules of how this force works.It was the largest such ...
- 보다 정확히과학동아 l198911
- is the result of a flow of electrons, for instance, which is why the particle is called an electron in the first place.According to a theory worked out as long ago as 1930, there ought to be an ...
- 가장 약한 파(波)―중력파 The Weakest Wave과학동아 l198909
- 위해 모금을 하려고 노력하는 중이다.Is it possible to design an instrument that can detect gravity waves?According to Albert Einstein's theories, waves of gravitation should exist. But if they do, they are so ...
- 유전자 연구계획과학동아 l198905
- modified in place, a particular enzymes capacity to do its work could be completely altered.Each enzyme is produced according to the directions contained in the genes within the chromosomes tha ...
- 예수의 수의과학동아 l198905
- bear bloodstains and the faint brownish image of a human being with wounds corresponding to those inflicted on Jesus, according to the biblical account.It was first put on display about 1350, m ...
- 우주 오염과학동아 l198812
- by radar, and they are being tracked. There are, however, many more bits of matter that are too small to be tracked. According to some estimates, there are 60,000 pieces of debries about an inc ...