"side"(으)로 총 49건 검색되었습니다.
- 2. 바다는 지구 생물의 80%가 사는 거대한 수조과학동아 l199105
- 장비로는 정밀음향측심기, 염분 수온측정기, 지질탐사시스템, 중력계, 수중음파탐지기(side scan sonar)등이 있다.기상관측선은 단기 또는 장기 해양기상을 관측하는 조사선으로 기온 습도 기압 풍향 풍속 강우량 일사량 등을 기본적으로 측정한다. 또한 기상위성과 연결되어 여러 곳의 기상을 ... ...
- 빛의 굴절과학동아 l199104
- 글랜 랭스톤씨가 지휘하는 미국 국립전파천문대의 천문학팀은 지난 1990년 하늘에서 조그마한 고리모양의 전파를 관측하였다. 이와같은 발견은 두번째이며 우리가 하늘에서 찾 ... to be between 8 and 16 times the mass of the stars we can see in it. This is not actual proof, but it ...
- 허블 망원경이 찍은 대폭풍과학동아 l199103
- in August, but there was nothing extraordinary to see. The storm was probably beginning, but it was on the other side of the planet. The HST turned to look at other things and it was weeks befo ...
- 줄어드는 삼각주과학동아 l199102
- intellectually advanced nation on Earth. In Alexandria, it had the Museum, the first organization that could be considered a university, and it had the largest library seen before the invention ...
- 일본의 기술과학동아 l199101
- for the better.Of course, the chief problem is that all such dreams can so easily be turned into nightmares through side effects not properly taken into account. Large projects must be approach ...
- 잘못된 경종과학동아 l199005
- under conditions that carefully ensured that they would not be affected by temperature changes, friction or other outside influences.They reported that the gyroscopes behaved alike in all respe ...
- 보다 정확히과학동아 l198911
- that can't be more than a thousandth of this. In other words, it would take at least thousand trillion electrons, side by side, to stretch across an atom.That's still not zero diameter, ...
- 바라는대로 되는 것만은 아니다과학동아 l198910
- began repeating Deryagin's work and behold, they found polywater, too. Perhaps polywater played an important role inside the cell. The excitement was intense.But then reports filtered out of ch ...
- 지하생활과학동아 l198907
- pavements, and then across suburban sprawls,If we were living beneath, if we had an underworld culture, the countryside would be right there, a few hundred yards above the upper level of the ci ...
- DNA분자를 처음 보다과학동아 l198906
- two DNA molecules exactly alike.This work brought Watson and Crick the Nobel Prize in 1962, and their work was considered a triumph of subtle scientific deduction. They described the double hel ...
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