"said"(으)로 총 36건 검색되었습니다.
- 없앨 수 없는 것(플라스틱)과학동아 l1989년 12호
- t solve the problem. They insist that he only things we can do is use less plastic, maybe no plastic. But then, as I said at the start, plastics are so useful. I think we'll just have to contin ...
- 20년후-달의 신비를 벗기며과학동아 l1989년 10호
- foot, for the first time, on a world other than Earth itself. Neil Armstrong stepped down onto the moon's surface and said, "This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."There ...
- 귀소하는 거북과학동아 l1989년 07호
- that there was a strong tendency to believe the suggestion but Stephen jay Gould of Harvard was one skeptic. He said that in 40 million years there must have been times when Ascenion Island had ...
- 물이 많아지고 더워진다과학동아 l1989년 02호
- years. I myself wrote an article that was published in a magazine in August, 1979, in which I said much of what I've said here. In other words, 10 years ago, I was sounding the alarm but ...
- 마지막 정리과학동아 l1988년 07호
- this has driven mathematicians crazy. Fermat was completely reliable. There were other thorems he advanced which he said he had proved, without giving details, and in every single case those t ...
- 책의 혁명과학동아 l1987년 12호
- word in some portable, more of less permanent form, that can be transferred from hand to hand. You may have heard it said that "A picture is worth a thousand words," but don't you believe it. I ...