"number"(으)로 총 117건 검색되었습니다.
- 여성 천문학자들과학동아 l199111
- in 1902. In her meticulous determinations of stellar magnitudes, she discovered 2,400 variable stars, doubling the number known at the time.Her great moment came in 1912, when she was working a ...
- 대규모 탐색 작업과학동아 l199111
- detected, but then the searches have been small ones, carried on for short periods of time and included only a limited number of stars. What we need is something more than that-searches that wi ...
- 천랑성의 색깔과학동아 l199110
- After a while, the dim star moves on and the brightness returns. This is an "eclipsing variable" and there are a number of such stars.There are also stars that grow dimmer and brighter that do ...
- 토성의 테가 사라지고 있다과학동아 l199108
- they move outward as the rings move inward toward Saturn. That would tend to settle matters.Saturn also has a large number of satellites, and some of them have turned out to be unusual.Charles ...
- 우리의 조상인 실러캔스과학동아 l199108
- among other animals.Some lungfish are even likely to drown if they cannot be in a position to gulp air now and then.A number of biologists believe that lungfish are the ancestors of the tetrapo ...
- 가장 깊은 호수과학동아 l199107
- and hence not much in the way of hot spots.Lake Baikal, by the way, is an isolated life-community and has a large number of plants and animals that are peculiar to it. There are over 1,200 diff ...
- 아인슈타인은 역시 옳았다.과학동아 l199106
- protons and antiprotons whirled about by magnetic fields and they measured how many whirls they made in a second. The number of whirls depended on their mass and it turned out that the masses o ...
- 왜 밤하늘은 어두운가?과학동아 l199106
- begin to glow, and a period in which they die out and cease glowing.There may, in other words, be a nearly infinite number of stars in the universe, but they don't give off light for an infinit ...
- 어떤 망원경을 선택하나?과학동아 l199105
- 버텨온 의지의 한국인들이 당신에게 모든 정보를 재미있게 이야기해 줄 것이다. f수(f number)렌즈의 밝기를 나타내는 수치. 렌즈의 초점거리를 망원경의 유효구경으로 나눈 값이다. f수가 1이면 사람눈이 사물을 보는 밝기다. f수가 커지면 렌즈는 어두워지며 반대로 f수가 줄어들면 렌즈는 밝아진다. ... ...
- 톱 쿼크 좇는 슈퍼 컴퓨터과학동아 l199105
- 의해 위치와 시간은 각각 다른 점으로 나타내는데 몬테카를로법이란 일련의 난수(random number)를 이용해 다른 방법으로는 풀 수 없는 수학적인 난제를 푸는 것이다.그런데 이 몬테카를로 기법은 병렬처리컴퓨터(parallel computer)에 응용하기에 알맞으며 입자물리학을 위해 개발되고 있는 특수컴퓨터의 ... ...
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