"world"(으)로 총 238건 검색되었습니다.
- 20년후-달의 신비를 벗기며과학동아 l1989년 10호
- 도와줄 것이다.Twenty years ago this week, on July 20, 1969, human beings set foot, for the first time, on a world other than Earth itself. Neil Armstrong stepped down onto the moon's surface and said ...
- 녹색 식물의 탄생 How Green Plants Began?과학동아 l1989년 09호
- by all animal life and that keeps us alive.Since food and oxygen are thus the gift of the green plants to the animal world, anything that would explain how they came to be is of profound intere ...
- 가장 약한 파(波)―중력파 The Weakest Wave과학동아 l1989년 09호
- 25 million to produce.What's more, to do it properly, there should be four such instruments distributed over the whole world, so that all four would be affected almost simultaneously. That woul ...
- 지하생활과학동아 l1989년 07호
- healthier conditions, than dwellers of surface cities do today.And remember, as one more point, that in an underground world of perpetually equable weather, walking would be much more pleasant. ...
- 지진 The Earth Trembles과학동아 l1989년 04호
- or take a year of so. That would give time to strengthen structures, to demolish and rebuild, with perhaps the entire world contributing. Little by little all cities would become safer and the ...
- 인류최초의 발견─불의 사용과학동아 l1989년 03호
- sea creatures may be, without fire they can never develop even the crudest technology. And fires can't be built in a world of water.When was fire first used? Until the 1980s the oldest traces o ...
- 산불의 냉각효과과학동아 l1989년 02호
- If the collision took place at a particular spot, why should life have been destroyed on the other side of the world, too?The answer is that such a strike would have produced results that woul ...
- 물이 많아지고 더워진다과학동아 l1989년 02호
- our present industrial age began was about 0.027 percent. That's very little but it was enough to keep the plant world growing and to keep the Earth reasonably warm.However, the amount of carbo ...
- 우주여행의 방향은?과학동아 l1989년 01호
- and food they use.When a settler steps into a spaceship, he will be moving into a spaceship, he will be moving into a world that is smaller than the one he is used to, but its properties will r ...
- 타임-라이프사가 펴낸 환상의 세계과학동아 l1988년 11호
- 동화등 환상적인 얘기를 모아 화려한 그림과 함께 편집한 타임-라이프사의 'The Enchanted World'(The Wizards and Witches)라는 책이 나왔다. 한권이 1백40페이지씩 돼 있는 10권짜리 이 시리즈에는 얘기와 관련된 유명화가들의 그림 즉 라파엘, 미켈란제로, 고야 등의 작품도 곁들여 있다.이 책은 읽고 보는 ... ...
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