"records"(으)로 총 14건 검색되었습니다.
- 최초의 언어과학동아 l1989년 03호
- to be able to write to do that, and writing was only invented about 5,500 years ago.In a way, though, they do leave records of their languages, because languages aren't completely independent o ...
- 물이 많아지고 더워진다과학동아 l1989년 02호
- 1988 was the year in which people became aware of something called the "greenhouse effect."Adequate temperature records go back only to the 1850s, but 1987 was the warmest year for the Earth a ...
- 윤초(閏秒)과학동아 l1988년 06호
- should have been seen a few centuries ago, we find that the eclipse was seen-but miles away.Studying past astronomical records just gives us a notion how the rotation rate slows down on the ave ...
- 책의 혁명과학동아 l1987년 12호
- thing, but the form in which the word is presented can change and has changed. The oldest written documents(tax lists, records, letters, and, eventually, accounts or tales long enough to be con ...