"try"(으)로 총 26건 검색되었습니다.
- 최신기술과학동아 l1993년 05호
- glut worse(better and more wisely selective computer information retrieval is needed). In the meantime, those who try to keep up tend to feel a little like Alice, running very hard with the Red ...
- Frog-And More In Space 우주공간에서의 개구리과학동아 l1992년 11호
- which are, of course, reptiles). Even the amphibians that waddled went fest if they needed to-which is apparent if you try to catch a salamander bent on escape. Furthermore, amphibians have rea ...
- 아라크네의 자식들과학동아 l1992년 09호
- to by several horror movies. While it is true that poisonous spiders can be dangerous, they don't go after people who try to avoid them. And spiders are small. Even the biggest tarantula (capab ...
- 오늘날의 로봇과학동아 l1992년 07호
- Australia. Sheep can now be sheered in 17minutes, which is presumably better for the sheep as well as the wool industry.Michael Ali is a graduate student at New York State Center for Advanced T ...
- 우주수프과학동아 l1992년 01호
- happens with each increment of temperature. Such a course is, of course, fraught with uncertainties.Another way is to try to create a submicroscopic piece of cosmic soup and see what happens. O ...
- 화산과학동아 l1991년 09호
- 가위 엄청난 것이었다.The job of a volcanologist, like Jonyon Ousaka at Tamagawa University in Japan, is to try to predict when a volcano will erupt.A volcano may seem to be dead. After it has finished e ...
- 거리 측정과학동아 l1991년 05호
- and how old the universe might be.The way to do that is to start with objects that are fairly close to us, and then try to estimate from that how far other more distant objects are, and from th ...
- 배타의 원리과학동아 l1991년 03호
- t be. It might do this so rarely that scientists, not watching for it, would never notice.For that reason, scientists try to calculate what might happen if the exclusion principle were violated ...
- 잡아먹히지 않는 신비로운 나비과학동아 l1991년 02호
- morsel and tries to swallow it. Almost immediately, the bird drops what it has not consumed and is clearly sick, trying to get rid of the taste in its mouth. Such a bird never tries to eat a mo ...
- 우주의 형성과학동아 l1990년 06호
- assumptions and equations on paper may not be enough. It may be useful to attempt a more direct attack--to actually try to create a universe by gravity alone and see what happens. Naturally, th ...
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