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- [IBS 코로나19 리포트 시즌2] 국제 사회는 허위정보에 어떻게 대처하는가2021.08.18
- on the COVID-19 Pandemic in 35 Countries: Observational Infodemiology Study, JMIR Human Factors, 2021 https://humanfactors.jmir.org/2021/1/e23279 -차미영, 코로나19 가짜뉴스에 맞선 데이터 과학, 코로나19 과학리포트 시즌1, Vol 18, 2021 Johnson et al., The online competition between pro- and anti-vaccination views, Nature 2020 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020 ... ...
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- S., Yang, M., Luo, W., & Zhang, L. (2020). Mobile device data reveal the dynamics in a positive relationship between human mobility and COVID-19 infections. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(44), 27087-27089. 12. Simon, C. M. (2020). The SIR dynamic model of infectious disease transmission and its analogy with chemical kinetics. PeerJ Physical Chemistry, 2, e14. 글 ... ...
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- (2020): 1-24. 7. Warren, Luigi, et al. "Highly efficient reprogramming to pluripotency and directed differentiation of human cells with synthetic modified mRNA." Cell Stem Cell 7.5 (2010): 618-6 8. Servick, K. "This mysterious $2 billion biotech is revealing the secrets behind its new drugs and vaccines." Science (New York, NY). AAAS (2016). 9. Allen, Arthur. “For Billion-Dollar COVID ... ...
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- ). Derogation of competitors. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 7(3), 395-422. Vaillancourt, T. (2013). Do human females use indirect aggression as an intrasexual competition strategy?. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 368(1631), 20130080. Miller, J., & Mullins, C. W. (2006). Stuck Up, Telling Lies, and Talking Too Much: The Gendered Context ... ...
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- 가운데 ‘어떻게 전사가 시작되나. 인간 전사 과정을 고화질로 보다(How Transcription Begins. Human Transcription Machinery at High Resolution)’라는 문구가 박혀 있다. 전사는 DNA을 원본으로 해 RNA가 만들어지는 과정을 의미한다. RNA는 몸 안의 여러 역할을 하는 단백질 형성을 위한 촉매 역할을 한다. 사람이 속한 ... ...
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- President Biden and President Moon also agree to redouble their commitment to democratic values, and the promotion of human rights at home and abroad. The strength of our democracies depends on women’s full participation in them. Together we will strive to end the abuse of women and girls, including domestic violence and cyber-exploitation, and to exchange best practices to close the gender ... ...
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- J. (1997). Big science and big politics in the United States: Reflections on the death of the SSC and the life of the Human Genome Project. Historical studies in the physical and biological sciences, 27(2), 269-297. - ‘연구비 공황’에 대해서는 동아사이언스[김우재의 보통과학자] ‘연구비 공황과 보통과학자의 위기’ 참고 -연구그룹의 규모가 ... ...
- [IBS 코로나19 리포트 시즌2] 코로나19 감염 여부를 신속·정확하게 진단하는 새로운 방법2021.04.16
- Nat Biomed Eng 4, 1159–1167 (2020). 16. Seo, G. et al. Rapid Detection of COVID-19 Causative Virus (SARS-CoV-2) in Human Nasopharyngeal Swab Specimens Using Field-Effect Transistor-Based Biosensor. ACS Nano 14, 5135-5142 (2020). 이재현 기초과학연구원(IBS) 나노의학 연구단 연구위원 정지용 IBS 나노의학 연구단 연구원 ※ 원문 출처 : ... ...
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- 2 by targeting the host protein eEF1A. Science. 2021 Jan 25 -Hoffmann et al. Chloroquine does not inhibit infection of human lung cells with SARS-CoV-2. Nature. 2020 Sep;585(7826):588-590 -Kim et al. Platycodin D prevents both lysosome- and TMPRSS2-driven SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro by hindering membrane fusion. Biorxiv (2020.12.22.423909v1) -Sungnak W et al. SARS-CoV-2 entry factors are ... ...
- [IBS 코로나19 리포트 시즌2] 코로나19 항체치료제 개발 어디까지 왔나2021.02.25
- , Bianchi, S., Jaconi, S., Culap, K., Zatta, F., De Marco, A., et al. (2020). Cross-neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 by a human monoclonal SARS-CoV antibody. Nature 583, 290-295. Whittaker, G.R., and Daniel, S. (2020). Going back in time for an antibody to fight COVID-19. Nature 583, 203-204. 김호민 기초과학연구원(IBS) 바이오분자 및 세포구조 연구단 CI‧KAIST ... ...
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