"human"(으)로 총 176건 검색되었습니다.
- 뇌과학으로 본 버럭순재과학동아 l201111
- 빨라져 한 해 0.5%씩 줄어드는 것으로 나타났다. 연구진은 이 결과를 저널 ‘인간뇌지도(human brain mapping)’ 9월 13일자에 발표했다.용적이 줄어든다는 것은 신경세포들이 사라진다는 것을 의미한다. 한 번 사라진 신경세포는 거의 재생되지 않으므로 뇌 용적의 감소는 필연적으로 인지기능 저하와 ... ...
- Incoming New Faces for the Internet과학동아 l201109
- Rod Beckstrom, president and CEO of ICANN, in a statement characterized the decision as a way to unleash the global human imagination and expressed the hope that “This allows the domain name s ...
- Armadillos and Human Leprosy과학동아 l201106
- U.S. cases appeared to have been contracted in country, even in victims who didn't seem to have had any contact with a human leprosy patient. These cases were most common in the states of Texas ...
- Major eruption of Mt. Baekdu ‘possible’과학동아 l201105
- institute monitoring volcanic activity at Mt. Baekdu acknowledged minor quakes which are too weak to be felt by human beings occur nearly 100 times per day. Among other indicators foreshadowing ...
- 구강 박테리아 다양성 발견과학동아 l201103
- 들어가고 있음을 알린 신호탄이었다.[Our data suggest that a signifi cant proportion of the resident human bacteria fl ora remain poorly characterized, even within this well studied and familiar microbial envir ...
- Best Scientific Inventions in 2010과학동아 l201101
- of an effort to keep South Korean students competitive in English. Not surpri singly, the proposal has worried a few human teachers, and with good reason. Experts say the robots could eventuall ...
- Photos as Memories과학동아 l201012
- faces, Claire lives in a world in which even her lifelong friends appear as strangers. Memory is so foundational to human relationship. There is no cure for Claire’s memory loss. The brain rema ...
- 불치병 콕 찍어내는 뇌단백질체 지도과학동아 l201011
- 늦출 수 있는 미래가 정말 올까.이런 일을 가능하게 만들 연구가 ‘인간 뇌단백질체 지도(Human Brain Proteome Atlas)’다. 국제프로테옴기구의 분과 모임인 ‘인간 뇌 프로테옴 프로젝트(HBPP)’ 주도로 진행하고 있는 연구로, 사람의 뇌에 들어 있는 단백질의 종류와 위치, 양, 기능, 질병의 진행 단계에 ... ...
- When Animals Think and Talk과학동아 l201010
- humans. They just lack some abilities little bit comparing to human adults. Some of them are actually almost same as human children - intellectually, emotionally, and linguistical ...
- Controlling Our Dream과학동아 l201009
- at. If you used to have flying dreams and you haven’t had one in a long time and you miss them, find a photo of a human flying. Question 3. What about controlling someone else’s dream? Is this ...
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