"form"(으)로 총 92건 검색되었습니다.
- 마지막 입자과학동아 l199009
- of each individual quark. On the whole, the quarks are more massive than leptons. This is important, because mass is a form of energy, and the more massive a particle, the more energy it takes ...
- 박테리아 광부들과학동아 l199008
- and lower concentrations, and getting more of these materials becomes an ever-increasing problem. Many simple life forms are more able to concentrate certain elements out of very low-grade sour ...
- 원자 하나씩과학동아 l199007
- in such a way as to form substances built up of specific combinations("molecules") of atoms, substances that cannot be formed by ordinary chemical means.In addition, it may be that the m ...
- 타조알과 인류의 나이과학동아 l199007
- laboratory, both varieties are formed in equal quantities. In materials from living organisms, only one variety, L, is formed.Each variety is pretty stable, but if untouched for a long p ...
- 우주의 형성과학동아 l199006
- this force works.It was the largest such simulation ever done, and behold, on the computer screen, the dots of matter formed into structures that looked like galaxies arranged in long curved li ...
- 잘못된 경종과학동아 l199005
- the faster the gyroscope spun the less it weighed. What they concluded was that the gyroscope developed some form of anti-gravity.This, in itself, isn't entirely inconceivable. A toy propeller ...
- 1990년대의 과학과학동아 l199003
- Increasingly, copper wire has been replaced by optical fiber, far cheaper and capable of transmitting far more information. Computers have become much more advanced.In the 1990s, we may see ad ...
- 그것은 유전자 안에 있다과학동아 l199002
- existed for about 3.5 billion years . but it is only about 8 billion years ago that organisms made up of many cells formed. Perhaps evolution has not yet perfected the system of producing and m ...
- 화성을 다시 찾다과학동아 l199002
- places that happened not to contain organic matter. And if there is organic material in the Martian surface, then some form of life, possibly very primitive, may exist there now, or may have ex ...
- 경제교류가 가져오는 것 Business Leads The Way과학동아 l199001
- great Egyptian civilization to the southwest, each with a terribly complicated written language. The alphabet was a form of shorthand into which either or both languages could be translated, an ...
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