"form"(으)로 총 97건 검색되었습니다.
- 잘못된 경종과학동아 l1990년 05호
- the faster the gyroscope spun the less it weighed. What they concluded was that the gyroscope developed some form of anti-gravity.This, in itself, isn't entirely inconceivable. A toy propeller ...
- 1990년대의 과학과학동아 l1990년 03호
- Increasingly, copper wire has been replaced by optical fiber, far cheaper and capable of transmitting far more information. Computers have become much more advanced.In the 1990s, we may see ad ...
- 그것은 유전자 안에 있다과학동아 l1990년 02호
- existed for about 3.5 billion years . but it is only about 8 billion years ago that organisms made up of many cells formed. Perhaps evolution has not yet perfected the system of producing and m ...
- 화성을 다시 찾다과학동아 l1990년 02호
- places that happened not to contain organic matter. And if there is organic material in the Martian surface, then some form of life, possibly very primitive, may exist there now, or may have ex ...
- 경제교류가 가져오는 것 Business Leads The Way과학동아 l1990년 01호
- great Egyptian civilization to the southwest, each with a terribly complicated written language. The alphabet was a form of shorthand into which either or both languages could be translated, an ...
- 대 해빙과학동아 l1989년 12호
- of the ice-sheet, soaked into the ground till it reached bed-rock, and then slowly accumulated there. There would thus form what was essentially a lake of water underneath the ice-sheet and thi ...
- 없앨 수 없는 것(플라스틱)과학동아 l1989년 12호
- can be handled by living things, or we would all have died out long ago.With plastics, however, products may be formed that aren't composed of natural substances. They may be toxic, or carcinog ...
- 공룡의 죽음-열쇠가 되는 아미노산과학동아 l1989년 11호
- old sediments are also found in left-forms and right-forms in equal quantities, which is a strong sign that they were formed not by living things on Earth's surface, but by non-li ...
- 바라는대로 되는 것만은 아니다과학동아 l1989년 10호
- didn't make it so.In 1962, a Soviet physicist, Boris V.Deryagin, reported the exitence of "polywater." This was a new form of water that was found in very thin tubes. The molecules were abnorma ...
- 녹색 식물의 탄생 How Green Plants Began?과학동아 l1989년 09호
- 1-a" and "chlorophy11-b" Cyanobacteria, however, contain chlorophy11-a only. It may be that after chloroplast cells formed, they evolved chlorophy11-b as a second component.In 1985, however, a ...
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