"study"(으)로 총 93건 검색되었습니다.
- 작은 꼬인 빛 Tiny Twisty Light과학동아 l1990년 04호
- are all convinced that light bends noticeably when it passes near a particularly massive body.Suppose then, that you study a very distant galaxy, one that is just about as far away as we can ma ...
- 1990년대의 과학과학동아 l1990년 03호
- the 1980s, while Giotto sent back information on Halley's Comet. The 1990s will be the decade of Galileo, which will study Jupiter in greater detail than ever before, sending a probe into its a ...
- 공부하는 방법이 문제예요과학동아 l1990년 02호
- 것인가도 생각해야죠.화학은 시험과 관계없이 공부했어요. 미국교재 캠스터디(chem study)를 주로 보았어요. 교재 자체가 논리적 사고를 유도하고 있어서 홍미롭게 공부할 수 있었어요.생물이 암기과목이란 생각에 저는 반대해요. 물론 외우는 것도 중요하겠지만 생물현상 간의 상관관계를 파악하고 난 ... ...
- 그것은 유전자 안에 있다과학동아 l1990년 02호
- having sharpened our knowledge as to the origin of cancer, scientists might labor to identify the proto-oncogenes, to study carefully how the changes that form oncogenes out of them come about. ...
- 20년후-달의 신비를 벗기며과학동아 l1989년 10호
- apart from its uses as an observatory, a mining station, an a new home for human beings, a careful and painstaking study of its surface could fill in all the details of its history and from tha ...
- 녹색 식물의 탄생 How Green Plants Began?과학동아 l1989년 09호
- that Prochlorithrix and chloroplasts have a common ancestor.However, Sean Turner and others at Indiana University studying nucleic acids in both Prochlorothrix and chloroplasts find differences ...
- 대기권 밖의 망원경과학동아 l1989년 04호
- at the centers of such densely packed masses of hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of millions, of stars.We can study the gas clouds between stars, and gaseous envelopes that surround some ...
- 최초의 언어과학동아 l1989년 03호
- carrying with it its language, which evolved in different places as groups became isolated from each other. By studying all the similarities, might it not be possible to work up a kind of comm ...
- 산불의 냉각효과과학동아 l1989년 02호
- The burning of industrial plants, oil refineries and so on would add additional smoke of a worse type.This careful study of day-to-day temperatures in the case of ordianry forest fires certain ...
- 태양을 스쳐 지나가기과학동아 l1989년 01호
- s glare.But mos there is a satellite called "Solar Maximum Mission" or, for short, "Solar Max," which is designed to study the neighborhood of the sun. It can do this because it possesses a "co ...
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