"water"(으)로 총 127건 검색되었습니다.
- 박테리아 광부들과학동아 l199008
- sources than any human technology can. For instance, iodine is a useful element that is very rare. It occurs in sea-water, but in such low concentration that chemists cannot extract it profitab ...
- 타조알과 인류의 나이과학동아 l199007
- of aging has been considerably refined. In addition to that, the ostrich eggshells are much less porous than bone. Water does not get into them as much, so that it seems reasonable to suppose t ...
- 우주적 위험과학동아 l199005
- effective barrier. He visualizes a kind of double wall with water in between. He believes that a 4-inch thickness of water would reduce the cosmic ray radiation to the point that the ris ...
- 유전공학의 관심사 「무서운 생명력」과학동아 l199004
- 방해하거나 배가 다니지 못하게 한다.우리나라에서도 관상용으로 재배되는 부레옥잠(Water hyacinth)이 열대지방 수로에 많이 발생해 큰 골칫거리가 돼 있다. 또한 많은 잡초들은 유해물질을 갖고 있어 사람이나 가축이 먹었을 경우 질병을 일으키거나 중독되는 경우도 있다.이와 같이 유해한 잡초들의 ... ...
- 화성을 다시 찾다과학동아 l199002
- else on Ear:th are degraded by liquìd water and invaded by microscopic life. On lifeless Antarctica, containing , water only in the frozen state, the meteorites are not touched but remai ...
- 지구가 너무 덥고 추웠을 때 When The Earth Was Too Hot and Too Cold과학동아 l199001
- North Pole nor any place near it holds the record for cold. The North Pole is in the center of the Arctic Ocean, the water of which moderates the temperature. The coldest region in the north is ...
- 없앨 수 없는 것(플라스틱)과학동아 l198912
- and the rain soaks in. However, as the dump piles up, deep inside you get a quantity of plastic that neither sun nor water ever reaches. And you have a vision of having to stir up the whole pil ...
- 대 해빙과학동아 l198912
- tumbling into the ocean, may have raised the global sea-level as much as 9 inches in just a few days. The rising water would have moved up the low-lying continental shelves that had been expos ...
- 공룡의 죽음-열쇠가 되는 아미노산과학동아 l198911
- are found? Well, yes. There are certain meteorites called "carbonaceous chondrites" that contain small quantities of water and carbon compounds. Among the carbon compounds are some amino acids. ...
- 20년후-달의 신비를 벗기며과학동아 l198910
- be pushed.However, the key word there is "unchanged." The Earth's crust shifts and reform. The force of moving air and water introduces changes even when the rocks aren't actually melted. And l ...
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