"water"(으)로 총 127건 검색되었습니다.
- ① 시뮬레이션 어드벤처게임 오름세과학동아 l199303
- 시리즈의 인기를 여실히 증명해 주었다.이 외에도 황제(L'empereur) 대항해시대(Uncharted Water) 등 고에이사의 작품은 국내에 소개되자 마다 커다란 인기를 끌었으며, 하이텔 게임 동호회인 '개오동'에 고에이 게임 전용 게시판이 개설되기도 해 고에이 게임의 인기는 앞으로도 계속될 전망이다. 또 작년 말 ... ...
- 체온저하증과학동아 l199301
- to protect against cellular damage of freezing. But only turtle hatchlings are protected; adults hibernate underwater where they won't freeze.While the nervous systems of many animals control t ...
- 맨틀과 핵과학동아 l199212
- in the form of hydroxyl, as a good percentage of the oceans, and seem to be an important part of the recycling of water through the top layers of Earth. Recent studies also indicate that the h ...
- '파이어니어'와의 안녕과학동아 l199212
- Siberia, on June 30, 1908.Unlike Mars, Venus and Earth are both planets with good-sized atmospheres. On Earth, water wipes away the evidence of much of what happens to our planet's surface. On ...
- Frog-And More In Space 우주공간에서의 개구리과학동아 l199211
- 우주공간에서 올챙이라니! 우주왕복선 엔데버호의 궤도상에서 두마리의 아프리카산 발톱달린 개구리들이 배란을 해 6백여개의 알들이 수정됐다. 그 ... stone, studied by L. R. Brand and Thu Tang, who found the Permian markings to be similar to the tracks made on under ...
- 아라크네의 자식들과학동아 l199209
- that a hygroscopic coating on the web absorbs water from the atmosphere and when eaten by the spider, helps restore water balance. A newly discovered use for the fragile, deadly beauty o ...
- 기막힌 풀러렌과학동아 l199208
- a group of atoms. If the atoms are not all the same, the molecule is called a chemical compound. Some are simple, like water, and some are complex, like most organic compounds. Chemists had a h ...
- 머리좋은 생물들과학동아 l199207
- nerve transmission using the giant axon from the squid.There are perhaps 100,000 molluscan species living either in water or in wet land habitats. Molluscs first appeared back in Cambrian times ...
- 과학평론과학동아 l199112
- duck's. The nostrils are located differently and it is a rubbery structure rather than a horny one like the duck's.The water in which the duckbill lives is invariably muddy at the bottom and it ...
- 식어가는 온천과학동아 l199110
- geothermal energy and fossil fuel reservoirs. The deposits formed between 15 million and 18 million years ago, when seawater was trapped in porous beds of sandstone between impermeable clay lay ...
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